E.M. Pemrick and Company offers a balanced approach to economic development. We recognize the value of diverse industry sectors, including agriculture and tourism, and the importance of small and local businesses as well as large employers. We support efforts to expand economic activity without compromising the natural resources or aesthetic character that are at the heart of a community’s identity.
Projects involving economic development strategic planning have been completed for:
- Town of Canajoharie/Montgomery County, NY
- Charles City County, VA
- Town of Southport, NY
- Goochland County, VA
- Cayuga County, NY
- Botetourt County, VA
- Augusta County, VA
- Massachusetts Alliance for Economic Development
- James City County, VA
- Kent County, DE
- Greene County, NY
E.M. Pemrick and Company has also worked in partnership with Community Planning & Environmental Associates to produce Agriculture and Farmland Protection Plans for the counties of Lewis, Herkimer, Schoharie, Jefferson, Sullivan, Orange, and Putnam, NY. Our work on these plans typically includes the facilitation of focus groups, stakeholder interviews, analysis of agricultural economic trends, and the development of recommendations to support and enhance agricultural economic development.
Featured Projects
Economic Development Strategy
Economic development emerged as the most pressing concern for residents during the preparation of the Town of Southport’s Comprehensive Plan. With a grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission, the Town subsequently contracted with a project team comprised of HUNT Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, E.M. Pemrick and Company, and czb LLC to prepare an economic development strategy.
The strategic planning process involved meetings with a steering committee, local business owners, government officials, and the public over a six-month period. Based on extensive data analysis, stakeholder interviews, and field research, the resulting strategy analyzes the local economy, with a three-pronged approach focusing on existing businesses, resources available to support economic development (e.g., labor, real estate), and the housing market.
Work completed by E.M. Pemrick and Company included analysis of demographic, economic, and labor force characteristics; an assessment of available commercial and industrial property; one-on-one interviews with local business owners and other stakeholders; and the identification of the Town’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats from an economic development perspective. We also produced a series of recommendations aimed at facilitating business recruitment and retention and enhancing economic activity in the Town of Southport.
Revitalizing the Esopus/Delaware Region, A Regional Economic Development Strategy for the Central Catskills
Funded in part through the state’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, this project is a collaboration between seven municipalities, the MARK Project, and the Catskill Center for Conservation and Development to prepare a regional economic development and community revitalization plan. E.M. Pemrick and Company and Community Planning & Environmental Associates were retained to assist in the development of the plan, which aims to capitalize on the region’s natural, scenic, agricultural and recreational assets.
The scope of work for the project included:
- a review of more than 50 plans and studies completed in the central Catskills region over the last 15-20 years, in an effort to identify common issues and opportunities;
- surveys of local businesses and second homeowners;
- the development of a regional profile and inventory of environmental, recreational, cultural, and historic resources and land use characteristics;
- preparation of a regional economic and market analysis with a focus on the tourism industry; and
- GIS mapping to highlight broadband service areas, waterfront access points, public and preserved lands, tourism attractions, and other characteristics.
In accordance with a comprehensive public participation plan, small group meetings were held to discuss goals and possible actions in each of the seven communities. In 2012, the consultants facilitated an economic revitalization conference with various stakeholders, including municipal leaders and representatives of regional agencies and organizations. The objectives of the conference were to share information about existing economic development, waterfront revitalization, and community improvement initiatives in the region, and discuss how participants could more effectively coordinate programming and market available resources to address regional economic development needs.
The public participation process helped to reaffirm the direction economic development should take and prioritize actions. The outcome of the project is a detailed action plan for sustainable economic development that promotes village, hamlet and Main Street revitalization and enhanced access to waterways while protecting significant scenic and natural resources.
Economic Development Strategic Plan
Botetourt County is located in western Virginia, just north of the City of Roanoke. With a population of over 33,000, the County has experienced modest growth over the last 50 years.
The County’s economic development program has been in place since the late 1980s, resulting in the development of three industrial parks that have attracted millions of dollars in private investment. However, a major automotive supplier closed due to market conditions, and the recession had a significant impact on unemployment. To gain an outside perspective on its situation, Botetourt County hired the consulting team of Moran, Stahl & Boyer and E.M. Pemrick and Company to identify opportunities for expanding quality jobs, building the tax base, and enhancing tourism activity within the County, while bringing additional companies to the County’s business parks.
The project team followed a well-defined process of compiling information on the County and the Roanoke Valley region, evaluating resources available to support economic development, seeking feedback from various employers and stakeholders, analyzing the community’s strengths and weaknesses, and identifying target industry opportunities. This process culminated in the development of a series of recommendations – related to economic growth opportunities, resource development needs, staffing and organization, marketing, and tourism – that is being used by County leaders and staff to guide economic and community development decision-making.